304 Stainless steel shower arm and trim, 304 stainless steel hand shower
Solid Brass 2 functions pressure balance diverted valve
10-inch round head shower with 360° for well full-body bathing cover
304 stainless steel square shower head with NEOPERL flower regulators, flow rate: 2.5 GPM @ 80 psi
1 lever handle is designed for easier control of the water temperature and water flow of the faucet and hand shower
Hand shower holder with NEOPERL Backflow prevention to protect against the backflow of used water in the shower, flow rate: 2.5 GPM at 80 psi
Brass Diverter: switch water between the showerhead and handheld shower
Included components: shower arm, shower head, hand shower, hand shower bracket, shower hose, main body, trim plate, diverter, handle
100% pressure and water flow tested
24h acid salt spray coating tested
10,000 times shower head rotate and spray tested
cUPC approved